Climbing up and spilling over

Plants that climb to the sky and and plants that spill to the earth are very dramatic performers in the garden and some of my favorite flora to incorporate into a space. Climbers transform a space like nothing else as they draw the garden visitors eye up, transforming the entire garden picture. Spillers soften hard edges and add a rich lushness. Some of my favorites of both include:

star jasmine vine garden drama
Tropical star jasmine vine can reach 10 feet in a summer and its fragrant flowers will splay even in part shade.
sweet potato vine garden drama
Sweet potato vine is everywhere these days, and for good reason. The chartreuse leaves of ‘Margarita’ pair beautifully with any companion plant and it really takes off once we hit the dog days of summer.
Garden Drama moon shadow hyacinth bean
Annual ‘Moon Shadow’ hyacinth bean vine brings a royal show to the garden, with purple flowers, then purple pods in the fall.
Garden Drama morning glory 'Heavenly Blue'
Morning glory ‘Heavenly Blue’ is a cheery, and charmingly old-fashioned presence winding up a trellis on a fence. This annual vine is a prolific reseeder and once introduced into your garden, it will be come back year after year.
Super performing licorice plant trails over the edge of a container of purple verbena. Licorice plant will serve you well all season. It brightens summer plantings and adds a nice autumnal touch as well..



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